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Hey, my (third-party) plugin no longer works with Canvas.

When something updates, something else breaks … usually.

Some things will just never be compatible.

Some things will just never be compatible.

Before Canvas had their own full-width slider, we found that the Revolution Slider did a great job as a full-width option. But a commenter noted that a new version of Revolution (or who knows, maybe it was a new version of Canvas) broke the happy marriage of the plugin and the theme.

What to do?

Dig, explore, hack, ask, wait, fix, cross fingers, jump for joy or … give up.

As much as we’re trying to stick with standards here at WPU, it’s hard. Some plugin is just too good to pass up. But what happens when it no longer works? Someone, ahem, cough, not, you know, uh, me, might check out what’s not working, dig around, and find a fix. That’s time consuming. Who has that kind of time? Maybe the creator of the plugin? The theme? Do they care? It depends on how many people are clamoring for it to work again.

Stick with Compatibility

Or just use what works. Use what will be updated, upgraded, maintained and, ideally, compatible over the long term. Say, something from WOO themselves. They have their own slider (I’ve never actually even tried it, I also think it’s expensive) and I bet that works with every Canvas update. Does it even do full-width?

I personally think the Business Slider does a nice job. Especially since recent upgrades that give it full-width capability as well as options for text placement. You can get creative with it and it can do more than you think.

So what to do about the Revolution slider not working? Either ask the Revolution guys, the WOO guys, or let me know the fix and I’ll post it. But otherwise, I’m sticking to what gets updated.


3 Responses to Hey, my (third-party) plugin no longer works with Canvas.

  1. Jessica March 20, 2014 at 10:17 pm #

    I’ve still been using slider pro. While i’d like to use the canvas business slider more, for simplicity, (and one less plugin!), I rarely get given a design that didn’t require more tinkering than what the business slider will allow. Yet to run into any major theme / plugin conflicts yet though *touch wood*

  2. John March 23, 2014 at 1:04 am #

    Found one website with Revolution Slider 4.3.1 and Canvas 5.6.2 –


  1. Write Every Day Challenge - March 20, 2014

    […] Hey, my (third-party) plugin no longer works with Canvas. (Mar 19) […]

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