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WOO Shortcodes: Buttons

“Submit” and “Read More” is all you’re using buttons for? Expand your horizons.

These can be used for more than just buttons, they’re really mini-design elements … if you know how to use them.

Ask your favorite graphic designer how long it will take them to create “just a little button” for you. Maybe a gradient color and then a hover-over color? Get out your stopwatch … and your wallet.

WOO’s shortcode buttons can be used for your basic Submit button, but if you’re looking for some style in your site without digging into Photoshop, here’s a hidden powerhouse of text design.

Style None Style Info Style Alert Style Tick Style Download Style Note

Size Small Size Medium (default) Size Large Size XL

Predefined Style Red Predefined Style Orange Predefined Style Green Predefined Style Aqua Predefined Style Teal Predefined Style Purple Predefined Style Pink Predefined Style Silver

You can also change the background color to whatever you’d like. Here are just a few examples.

Orange (FFB60D) background. Background color sky blue (#BACAE8)

But you can even change the color of the border.

Button Using the built-in color picker for background and border color. With lots of text.  Maybe that info box color is just too light? Make a button! Large size.

You can also choose dark text if you wanted a light background color.

Getting the idea? The possibilities are endless (no, really). Play around. Look ma, no Photoshop!


7 Responses to WOO Shortcodes: Buttons

  1. Knuth Becker October 30, 2013 at 8:38 am #

    Hi Bradley,
    WooThemes has made some great new buttons! But if I use these buttons as affiliate links, I would like to nofollow them. Do you know if it is possible to nofollow the link that you refer to in the button?


  2. Alex January 28, 2014 at 10:53 am #

    Hi I am new to canvas and am not sure how to get my buttons to appear like this. My buttons are rounded and more pastel in color and I see no options to change.

    • Bradley Charbonneau January 29, 2014 at 2:21 pm #

      I bet you just need to upgrade your version of Canvas. That’s the way they used to be.

  3. Alex January 30, 2014 at 1:17 pm #

    Thank you. That was it.


  1. Write Every Day Challenge - November 2, 2013

    […] WOO Shortcodes: Buttons (Oct 29) […]

  2. WOO Themes Canvas for Sharp Looking Real Estate Rentals site - November 30, 2013

    […] We used the hundreds of available Google Fonts to create a stylish page of content that otherwise would have been fonts + images = Photoshop (or some other fonts plugins). We also used the out-of-the-box Canvas Business Slider for the home page to show off the panorama images. We did add a title, tagline, and a button for a call to action. […]

  3. Property rental agency uses WOO Themes Canvas - December 23, 2014

    […] Slider for the home page to show off the panorama images. We added a title, tagline, and a button for a call to action. Even that simple button is editable: text, color, size, light font, dark font, […]

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