What’s the real story behind those uber popular WordPress themes?
Archive | Themes
How long is that developer sticking around?
Upgraded the theme and … oops.
Canvas Child Theme: Bon Appétit
Huge hero image, built-in e-commerce, menus, reservations. Voila! Bon Appétit!
Canvas Child Theme: Fashionable
Fashionable is a child theme for Canvas designed with the fashion industry in mind.
Is there a market for WOO Themes Canvas Child Themes?
But you just bought Canvas. Now more money? Sheesh.
Canvas Child Theme: Duo
Duo is a Canvas child theme for small business that sell services.
Canvas Child Theme: Uno
Uno, WOO Themes first Canvas child theme.
Forgot to use a child theme? Here’s how to add one in.
Oops, using Canvas instead of a child theme but you’re going to upgrade Canvas. No worries.
Ooh, shiny new thing!
Ooh, what’s that shiny thing! Oh, look! No, don’t look! OK, look.
Can Canvas do Parallax?
Wouldn’t it be nice if Canvas could do parallax?
Painless Conversion to WOO Themes Canvas
Needed just a few changes on an old site we built. Hmm, make edits to code or … switch to Canvas?
1000’s of WordPress Themes!
Who has time to go through thousands of themes? Who wants to? Not me.