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WOO Features

Looking for one of those cool Features pages? Look no further.

A nice-looking collection of your services or features you’d like to show off on a page? You can order them, show just 4 of them, determine how many in a row, change the size of the icons, etc. Not bad for a free plugin.

Do I really need a plugin to make a few columns, headings, icons, and links? No, but it makes it easier.

Sure, you could do this with the built-in WOO Shortcodes for columns, but this plugin makes it all nice and pretty, easy to use, easy to format and is then neatly tucked away in its own custom post type there in your WP admin.

Features by WOO over at the plugins.

Looking for a nice and clean arrangement of your features or services? This will do the job.

Looking for a nice and clean arrangement of your features or services? This will do the job.



  1. Write Every Day Challenge - October 5, 2013

    […] WOO Features (Oct 3) […]

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