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Multiple Business Sliders for Changing Page Headers

The business template, especially the full-width version, does an excellent job as a changing page header.

Sure, there are plugins that will let you change your header on a per-page basis, but the full-width version of the business (slider) template does a great job of it and is easy to manage.

In the case below, we didn’t even use changing headers, but you can! We just used a different “Portfolio Gallery” for each page, then assigned that page the business template and chose that gallery. If we wanted to, we could give each gallery more than one photo. But even if you just want a static header on a page, especially a full-width one, this is a great option.

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3 Responses to Multiple Business Sliders for Changing Page Headers

  1. Andy February 21, 2014 at 11:42 am #

    Thank you Bradley!
    Your posts are always interesting!


  1. Write Every Day Challenge - February 20, 2014

    […] Multiple Business Sliders for Changing Page Headers (Feb 20) […]

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