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WOO Shortcodes: Content Toggle

WOO utilizes shortcodes which can do some fancy design work behind the scenes while all you have to do is use the magic WOO Shortcodes button. Here’s an example of how to use the WOO shortcode Content Toggle.

Here’s color code for bar:

[code].shortcode-toggle h4 a {
background-color: #BFD5FF !important;

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3 Responses to WOO Shortcodes: Content Toggle

  1. Rick January 20, 2014 at 11:33 pm #

    You know what would really be cool? A toggle inside a toggle! I tried it and it doesn’t work but just seemed like a perfect fit for some of my content.

    • Bradley Charbonneau January 22, 2014 at 9:07 pm #

      I know what you mean! In fact, I’ve found that most (all?) shortcode within another shortcode doesn’t work all that well. Even sometimes within columns.

  2. Rick January 29, 2014 at 10:28 pm #

    After this weekend we should have been the DNS “A” record repointed so will go to our WordPress site.

    I was wondering if you have ever wanted to be able to link from a post inside a content toggle?
    I’ve done this but it would be nice if I would be able to cause the content toggle to open when they click on the Science Fair link on my home page. No such luck, it does take them (using anchors) there but it doesn’t open the content toggle up. That would be cool.


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