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Upload a PDF

In this screencast, we’ll walk through uploading and linking to a media document (PDF, Word doc, etc.). As you’ll see in the video, I find it easiest to place your cursor in your WordPress content area where you’d like the link to the PDF to go, THEN click Add Media, change or adjust the title of the document, and make sure to link it to the Media File. In numbered bullet points:

  1. Place cursor in content area where you want the link to your file.
  2. Click Add Media.
  3. Upload (or drag and drop) your PDF (or Word doc or other media file).
  4. Change or edit document title if necessary.
  5. Down below in the media window, choose Link To and then Media File. This will make your title link to this file.
  6. Big blue button at the bottom, Insert into Post.

That’s it. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.

One Response to Upload a PDF

  1. Paula Mc Cabe November 12, 2013 at 9:58 am #

    Hi Bradley, I figured it out – hopefully it works but it looks fine now, all centered.

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