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Advanced Single Image Options

Sizes, linking, captions, alternate text, you can do quite a bit with just a single image and the basic editing window of WordPress.

Align left, link to a larger version of the image, add a caption. Oh my.

Align left, link to a larger version of the image, add a caption. Oh my.

Left align, right align, caption, link to a larger version of the image, pop up in a light box, go to an attachment page. There are lots of options for your single image. The video goes through several and below detail more options.

Size Options

  • Thumbnail: usually 150 x 150, but customizable on a global basis
  • Medium: usually 300 pixels wide
  • Full-Size: the original image, ideally you will optimize and resize before you upload

Link Options

  • None: image doesn’t link to anything.
  • Media File: links to another file, typically a larger version of the same image, but you could also link it to a PDF etc.
  • Attachment Page: this the “page” of a media file. An image has its own page where you can show the image, have a title description, etc.
  • Custom URL: link to any website or a page within your site.

Attachment Details

  • Title: the title of the image (or media file e.g. PDF). Shows up if you make a link out of a PDF, for example. A very good idea to manually change this from the original title which is usually just the file name.
  • Caption: text you insert here will show up under the image and usually have some formatting e.g. sitting in a white box/frame outside of the image.
  • Alt Text: the “alternative text” is used if a browser can’t see the image it will use this as the title. Say a person has images turned off or they are using a screen reading program to read the names of the images, it will pull from this field.
  • Description: I’m not sure where this is used outside of WordPress Attachment Page feature, see above.
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