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Canvas Child Theme: Bon Appétit

With menus, reservations, and e-commerce built in, Canvas is ideal for a restaurant site.

A beauty of a theme ready for restaurants.

A beauty of a theme ready for restaurants.

I only wish they were around several years ago! We were building menus from scratch and they worked, uh, OK, and looked, well, not that great. But in the (dog time) years since, things are just built into a $39 theme. Oh yes, and there’s a powerhouse of a theme under that: Canvas.

Huge hero image, built-in e-commerce, menus, reservations. Voila! Bon Appétit!

If WOO keeps this up, they’re going to build a WOO Themes Canvas child theme collection that’s going to rival their own (non-Canvas) themes. Then we’ll move to the question, “Why don’t they just build all themes as child themes of Canvas?” as a few of us Canvas aficionados asked about a few years ago. Better late than never!


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